

News, Tips and Tricks for your landscape

How to Prepare Your Landscape for Winter

When plants harden off after the first frost or the equinox in September, water conservation becomes an important health factor for trees and shrubs as they prepare for winter stress. After the ground freezes, plants survive on stored water in their stems and needles. Long cold and dry periods coupled with winter wind can be devastating to our plants as they will quickly use up their stored water and become fragile. Evergreen trees and shrubs are particularly susceptible to winter damage.

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What’s all the BUZZ about Pollinators?

Pollinators are animals and insects that are responsible for the fertilization of plants, including bees, hummingbirds, bats, and more. That may sound like a small job, but here are some facts about how big of a difference these tiny creatures make to us and our environment.

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An Eco-Friendly Approach to Fall Clean Up

There is nothing more beautiful than fall foliage, but what do you do with the fallen leaves? According to the EPA, yard waste is the second-largest component of our trash stream (behind paper and corrugated boxes) and makes up roughly 20 percent of most communities’ haul. Additionally, trucking the bulky bags to the dump requires a lot of fuel.

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